Now that you have the information for us ready, it is time to start looking at displays.
We have displays in Wollert (Lyndarum estate and Aurora estate), Melton (Atherstone) and Mambourin (Windermere). But be aware these locations can change often, so it is best to check our display home locations.
When meeting with a new home sales consultant there are a few things to make sure of. Most importantly, if the consultant has experience in these projects, some builders will only allow specific consultants to work with knockdown rebuild projects due to the additional complexities. Others, like Dulger Homes, teach all their consultants the knowledge to get the best result for you.
After you know the consultant has the needed experience, you should aim to have a basic conversation, and leave a few details, including a budget, as this will allow the consultant to effectively offer the best solution for YOU. The consultant should then chase up any answers to questions they may not have been able to answer.
It is vital to meet with the new home sales consultant again within a couple of weeks after your first appointment for a full in-depth discussion about the design of the home and any absolute ‘musts’ in your home.
By this time, your consultant should have done some work in the background, checking if there is anything that you need to be made aware of. If possible, it is a good idea to make sure you can walk through a home that is the same (or similar to) the house design you are thinking of building.
Only once this has been completed should you start discussing the quote and individual items in your new home in depth. It is important that all decision-makers for your new home are in every appointment (if possible) so that all questions can be answered, and any concerns can be addressed.
You should be aware that each knockdown rebuild project carries its own unique potential issues, and having all questions answered is vital to be confident in moving forward with a builder. One thing to remember. There is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to a knockdown rebuild project.
It is also at this point if you are confident with the consultant AND the builder’s experience, that you should start to look to pay the initial deposit so that they can collect more information about your land.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.